Keep left in direction B27 Reutlingen / Tübingen.
Please follow the course of the motorway B27 for about 11km in direction Reutlingen/Tübingen.
Leave now the B27 on the slip road Reutlingen to the B464.
You follow the course for about 6km until the end of the road (traffic lights).
Follow the road until the first roundabout traffic, which you leave on the first slip road into the Bayernstraße/Industriegebiet.
Please turn after 500m the next but one possibility to the right into the Germanenstraße.
You find our customer car park on the left of the portal.
The team of ERZI-Flock-Technik wishes you a good and safe journey.
ERZI-Flock-Technik GmbH & Co. KG
Germanenstraße 3-7
72768 Reutlingen
phone: +49 (0)7121 26 022-0
fax: +49 (0)7121 26 022-69